Monday, 12 May 2014

Every New Journey Starts With a Single Step

 So easy to say but sometimes so difficult to do...
 ....but now that you are here why not have a look at what that journey may hold for you. Working with a counsellor is not about being given answers, advice or being told what to do, its very much about you discovering and realising what is uniquely right for you and how you want to live your life. In order to achieve this you will be offered time and space, things that we often complain we never seem to have enough will be given respect and understanding about the story you need to tell....and above all you will have my attention and be heard by someone who wants to listen... don't have to walk alone as I will walk with you for a while until you rediscover your inner wisdom, something we all carry deep inside but which can so easily be lost in the hastes and confusions of life.Couselling journeys are about you and what you need to make your life happier and healthier, so please contact me and take your first step...

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