Introduction and Welcome

    07881 725536  -  01604 760996  -

Welcome to 'Counselling Northampton' a supportive service that aims to help you change and re-direct your life, to create one that is more fulfilling and personally successful. Life can become difficult for many reasons and more so if you are having problems with  -
  • personal or work relationships
  • anxiety
  • stress 
  • depression
  • angry outbursts
  • not being able to cope with your life as a whole

-  so talking to someone who is not personally involved with you and who has the skills to listen without bias or judgement can be tremendously helpful.

I am trained to work integratively which means I will adapt my approach to suit you during the sessions, as a way to help you understand and integrate your life experiences.This will include -
  • looking at and talking about your present problem and concerns
  • exploring your childhood and family history
  • realising the roles you play and hold in your relationships
  • understanding how and why you have arrived where you are 
  • supporting you and the decisions you make
My aim is always to work with you holistically, which means taking into consideration all the facets of your life and not just one aspect of it, such as -
  • your job or career
  • your home life and support network
  • what you eat
  • how much exercise you do 
  • what interests you have

Most importantly, however, is the quality of the therapeutic rapport that develops between us, which I believe is the essential foundation stone from which secure and lasting growth can take place.

With all these aspects working together more harmoniously, your therapy will have a much better chance of meeting your individual needs, so you can achieve your particular goals and move forward independently.